Kelsie Smith
Scooter Squad takes to the UP streets
Here’s a riddle: what happens when you combine four University of Portland seniors, vintage motor devices and the energy of teen-angst rebellion?
Ilia Delio integrates theology with the sciences in the 2016 Zahm Lecture
Ilia Delio, an academic of historic theology, pharmacology and the sciences, will be the guest speaker for this year’s Zahm Lecture.
Students explore eating habits in 'The Science of a Sustainable Gourmet'
A new seminar is being offered at the University of Portland: The Science of a Sustainable Gourmet. The course was created to help students understand where their food comes from and the impact their choices have on their health and the environment.
Residence hall trunk rooms provide treasures
What kind of treasures can you find in the trunk rooms buried underneath UP's residence halls? Find out!
Opinion: The activities fair is a can't miss event for all years
When you first walk into the Chiles Center you will notice a small but important plaque on the wall to your right. “The University of Portland,” it reads, “Where the heart meets the mind.” The following three paragraphs on the plaque boast the valor of Pilot tradition, both in and out of the classroom.