Emma Sells


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STAFF OPINION: Academics vs. “Wicked”

Most people are familiar with the iconic musical “Wicked,” but often take the message for granted. Multimedia Editor, Emma Sells, thinks everyone should take a page out of the playwright and not take life so seriously. 

Emma Sells is a photographer for The Beacon.

STAFF OPINION: Sun's out, guns out! But keep the judgement away

As a Portland resident, I grow a little happier each day as the sun slowly stays out a little longer. Summer, it’s starting to seem, is just around the corner. But as I trade my sweats, comfy sweaters, and bulky jackets for crop tops and shorts, I am left feeling more anxious than excited. April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring a familiar sense of insecurity as more of my body is on display for all to see and judge.

Emma Sells is a photographer for The Beacon. Photo courtesy of Emma Sells.

STAFF OPINION: Let's talk about mental health

With the newfound stress of online school, a lack of in-person connection with our friends and fear from the ever-present pandemic that attacks both our physical and emotional wellbeing, it is more important than ever to take care of our mental health. This could mean seeing a therapist. As daunting or unfamiliar a task this may seem to be, I assure you, it can be a simple and incredibly productive thing to do.
