Voice Your Opinion
Have an opinion about something UP students care about or should care about? We want to hear from you! Please read our submission policy before you write in. The actual submission form is at the bottom of this page.
Beacon Submission Policy:
You can submit one of two kinds of opinions:
Letter to the editor: short submissions under 250 words.
Opinion column ("Views from The Bluff"): Opinions over 250 words.
Recommended maximum: 1200 words. Allowed maximum: 1500 words.
Opinion submissions go to the Opinion editor, who reviews and returns your submission to you with any questions before sending it to the Editor-in-Chief and finally the copy editor.
The Beacon reserves the right to edit submissions for length, style, factual errors or unverified information. The Beacon also reserves the right to reject submissions for any reason without notification.
The Beacon Editor-in-Chief has the final say in all publication decisions.
- ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE FACT-BASED. When citing data or other information that warrants verification/attribution OR could be disputed, please provide hyperlinks of credible online sources within the piece.
If you do not know how to make hyperlinks, paste the full url adjacent to the information in your piece, and the Opinion editor will make the hyperlink. - WHO ARE YOU? All contributions must include the writer’s address, email address and phone number for verification purposes. University students must include their major and year in school.
- PHOTO REQUIRED: All contributions must include a photo of the author for the main photo. Please submit a clear, non-grainy headshot in which you look professional and which you are comfortable having on The Beacon's website. Consider something similar to a LinkedIn photo. In the case of multiple authors, each author must submit a photo, or a group photo of all the authors.
- GROUP SUBMISSIONS:The Beacon does not accept submissions from a group unless the writer(s) are listed individually.
- FACTS MATTER. While opinions and feelings are subjective, any information a writer presents as fact to support or justify a position should generally be verifiable. Specifically, we ask writers to provide url links to attribute such information whenever possible, especially statistics.
Here is an example of how links appear as colored hyperlinks in a published piece. If you do not know how to make hyperlinks, please provide the url link next to the "fact" it supports or explains in the body of your piece. Beacon editors will make it a hyperlink, if needed.
- TONE MATTERS. The Beacon is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of respectful and responsible discussion. Don't be snide.
- ANONYMOUS SUBMISSIONS: It is The Beacon's policy to not publish anonymous submissions. There may be rare occasions when anonymity is appropriate. It will be up to the Beacon editor-in-chief to make that determination.
The Beacon's receipt of a submission does not guarantee publication.
BOTTOM LINE: Keep it classy, respectful and professional. This is our digital living room. No profanity, inflammatory name-calling or cheap shots. Treat others how you'd like to be treated.