APPLY NOW FOR FALL JOBS- No journalism experience required
Get paid, meet people around campus and beef up your resume: Apply for a position at The Beacon.
All fulltime students- including freshman and transfer students-- are welcome to apply, regardless of major.
Questions? Email 2025 Fall Editor-in-Chief Camille Kuroiwa-Lewis at
- Advertising & Marketing Manager (application for this position HERE)
- News Reporter
- Sports Reporter
- Photographer/Videographer
- Video Producer
- Various editor positions (Some experience may be required)
Click here for application for all positions except Advertising & Marketing Manager
Application deadline for these positions is March 31.
Application deadline for editor positions is March 24.
Your chances of getting hired are better the sooner you apply.
Due to potential conflicts of interest, elected members of ASUP and students who work in UP Marketing or Athletics positions involving news media are ineligible to work for The Beacon without prior approval of the editor-in-chief (Exception: Advertising & Marketing Mgr.)
Scroll to read job descriptions below BEFORE you apply.
Staff meetings (all staff except Advertising & Marketing Mgr) :
- Tuesdays - 5:45 pm in The Beacon Newsroom (St. Mary's Student Center)
- Thursdays - 5:45 on Zoom
MANDATORY TRAINING:- Beacon Boot Camp takes place on campus the week before classes start. Any absences must be cleared in advance with the editor-in-chief.

OUR BLOG: Behind the scenes at The Beacon
Click here for the online application.
Due to potential conflicts of interest, elected members of ASUP and students who work in UP Marketing or Athletics positions involving news media are ineligible to work for The Beacon without prior approval of the editor-in-chief (Exception: Advertising & Marketing Mgr.)
News Reporter
No journalism experience required
- Reports and writes one to two stories (usually fewer than 800 words) a week on deadline, as assigned by the news editor or living editor.
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor approves the absence in advance. Staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those time periods.
- Follows best practices in journalism especially accuracy, fairness, and ethics
- Immediately upon receiving the assignment, calls sources to arrange interviews…and prepares for
interviews by researching the subject, attaining background information, and having
5 – 10 key questions prepared. - Conducts interviews in person, via Zoom, and on the phone in a professional manner
- Responds promptly to all emails and messages from editors and the adviser.
- Records audio of interviews (with source permission) in addition to taking thorough notes.
- Makes story revisions and/or revisits or adds sources immediately as assigned by
editors. - Provides relevant hyperlinks and sidebar information to the section editor.
- Collaborates with section editors, multimedia editor, photographers, and videographers in
enhancing written storytelling with visuals such as photos, video, and graphics. - Learns and uses digital tools as assigned for maps, charts, graphics and
data journalism. - Is always on the lookout for compelling story ideas and strives to include
coverage of UP community members who may be underrepresented on campus. - Maintains contact on at least a bi-weekly basis with key sources in campus
“beat” (ie: Campus Safety, Dept of Res Life, academic depts.., etc.) assigned by News Editor to nurture relationships and foster story ideas. - When not in class, responds to breaking news by providing reporting/writing/photo/video as directed by editors
- Discusses story, photo ideas directly with the assigned photographer(s)/videographer.
- Writes at least one commentary per semester for the Opinions section
- Notifies editor immediately if a correction of the published piece is needed
- Uses social media in a professional manner including posting links to Beacon
content. - Takes photos and or video with smartphone or camera using apps as assigned
- Reads professional-level journalism on a regular basis and as assigned by adviser
- Stays informed on current events
- May not be employed by UP Marketing or UP Athletics or on ASUP
- You must have at least a 2.5 GPA, but preference is given to applicants with 3.0 and above.

Beacon Photographer/Videographer
(Stipend: $1300/yr
In addition to fulfilling all responsibilities of photographer outlined below,the photographer/videographer shoots, edits and posts video as assigned.
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor approves the absence in advance. Staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Takes and immediately uploads high-quality digital photos as assigned on deadline, including on weekends. Photos and captions should be uploaded immediately after the photos are shot. For each shoot, the photographer should upload 10 or more photos from varying perspectives. Vertical and horizontal photos should always be included.
- Strives for photos that tell a compelling story rather than just record an image
- Contacts reporter associated with photo assignment to discuss photo ideas, needs, interview
schedule - May be required to take and edit video and post it online, including using a cell phone
- When assigned to shoot a sporting event, stays for the entire event.
- Behaves and dresses in a professional manner when representing The Beacon
- Supplies editors with accurate and complete identification and caption for each photograph/video
- Maintains effective communication with Multimedia Editor and reporters
- Creates online multimedia (ie: slideshows, short videos)
- May be asked to create photo illustrations
- Adheres to professional code of ethics for photojournalism
- Responds immediately when contacted by editors during breaking news
- You must have at least a 2.5 GPA, but preference is given to applicants with 3.0 and above. The reason: The Beacon is a serious commitment and may not be a good fit for applicants who are struggling with their academics.
Video Producer
(stipend: $1800/year)
- own or have access to a video camera or DSLR that shoots good video
- access to editing software
- Must be available to regularly shoot video on UP's campus spring semester (not required to live on campus)
- proficiency at shooting, editing, and producing high-quality short videos with audio
- at least a 2.5 GPA.
- Attends staff meetings Mondays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the
editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from
registering for classes that meet during those times. - Shoots, edits, and posts videos on assigned deadlines for all sections (News, Living, Sports, Opinion, DEI
Multimedia) and Beacon promotional purposes as directed by editors and
Multimedia Editor) - Collaborates with reporters as assigned and maintains clear communication with them
- Contacts sources for information or to appear in, video as needed. May also interview sources for video.
- Follows best practices for journalistic accuracy, ethics, and aesthetics. (Training provided on the accuracy, ethics, etc.)
- Contributes two story ideas each week at Beacon story pitch meetings
No journalism experience required.
Sports Reporter
(Stipend: $1300/yr)
No journalism experience required.
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor approves the absence in advance. Staffers are strongly discouraged from registering
for classes that meet during those time periods. - Reports and writes approximately two stories a week on deadline as assigned by the Sports Editor. Game coverage stories are due shortly after the game.
- Writes short breaking sports stories for in a timely manner
- With rare exception, in-game/event coverage. sports reporters should watch the entire game/event and interview athletes and coaches as availability allows.
- Makes revisions, revisits, or adds sources as directed by sports editor.
- Follows best journalistic practices including accuracy, fairness, and ethics beyond reproach
- Behaves as a professional journalist, not a sports fan.
- When covering a game or other sporting event, sits in the press area not with fans
- Regularly interacts with the UP Sports information personnel, keeping lines of communication clear
- Meets with the adviser for one-on-one coaching as directed by editors.
- Must regularly contact sources for stories, conduct interviews, and produce content that is fair and accurate. Must record audio of interviews (with source permission) in addition to taking thorough notes.
- Covers sporting events as assigned, including on weekends.
- Post photos and/or video and/or record audio
- Uses social media in a professional manner including posting links to Beacon content.
- Writes at least one commentary for Opinions section per semester
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Reads professional sports journalism on a regular basis and as assigned by editors and adviser
- May not be employed by UP Marketing or UP Athletics without permission from editor-in-chief. May not be in or run for an ASUP elected position.
- You must have at least a 2.5 GPA, but preference is given to applicants with 3.0 and above.
Photographer 2024-25
(Stipend: $1300/yr)
Must have a digital camera
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor approves the absence in advance. Staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Takes and immediately uploads high-quality digital photos as assigned on deadline, including on weekends. Photos and captions should be uploaded immediately after the photos are shot. For each shoot, the photographer should upload 10 or more photos from varying perspectives. Vertical and horizontal photos should always be included.
- Strives for photos that tell a compelling story rather than just record an image
- Contacts reporter associated with photo assignment to discuss photo ideas, needs, interview
schedule - May be required to take and edit video and post it online, including using a cell phone
- When assigned to shoot a sporting event, stays for the entire event.
- Behaves and dresses in a professional manner when representing The Beacon
- Supplies editors with accurate and complete identification and caption for each photograph/video
- Maintains effective communication with Multimedia Editor and reporters
- Creates online multimedia (ie: slideshows, short videos)
- May be asked to create photo illustrations
- Adheres to professional code of ethics for photojournalism
- Responds immediately when contacted by editors during breaking news
- You must have at least a 2.5 GPA, but preference is given to applicants with 3.0 and above. The reason: The Beacon is a serious commitment and may not be a good fit for applicants who are struggling with their academics.

Advertising and Marketing Manager
(Stipend: $500/yr)
APPLY HERE for Advertising & Marketing Manager
The Beacon is accepting applications from UP students for Advertising & Marketing Manager. This position is remote, and the main tasks involve managing advertisements on The Beacon website. Start date is one week before classes start.
No experience is required. However, the person in this position must know/learn how to use Canva and Google spreadsheets (similar to Excel).
Estimated time commitment: Less than 5 hours/month
NOTE: This position does NOT require soliciting clients or cold calling for ad sales. All Beacon advertising clients make the initial contact with The Beacon, usually via email (
Scroll down for application.
- Coordinates all advertising from on and off-campus clients, including emailing ad agreements and terms to clients
- Uses a spreadsheet to manage ads, sending an updated list to the Adviser every month.
- Checks beacon ads email several times each day and respond to clients in a professional manner promptly, ideally within 2-3 hours
- During fall and spring breaks, checks beacon ads email daily and responds promptly
- Mails weekly invoices and enforces late payment deadlines for off-campus clients
- "Meets" (via Zoom or phone call) with adviser occasionally, as needed
- Politely answers questions, provides guidance to advertisers
- Maintains a list of on-campus ad orders and prices and sends to the UP controllers office each month
- Follows up with clients on the phone or in-person as needed
- Designs digital ads with Canva or other software
- Responds promptly to all emails, texts, calls
- Removes ads from the website when their term expires
- On the 1st of each month, emails Adviser monthly revenue report and list of unpaid off-campus ads
- May be required to do research (read, watch webinars, etc) on online and mobile advertising and analytics
- Must have at least a 2.5 GPA

EDITOR POSITIONS - 2025-26 Academic year
The following positions are also open to all UP students. However, preference is given to applicants with relevant experience. The people in these positions make up The Beacon Editorial Board. In addition to Tuesday and Thursday all-staff meetings, Editorial Board members also have a required meeting on Wednesday nights at 7. They also lead training sessions at Beacon Boot Camp the week before fall classes start.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Editor/Sr. Reporter
This is a relatively new position (2022-23) whose responsibilities will evolve as editors and the adviser evaluate the most effective ways for The Beacon to bear witness and report on various campus communities and DEI issues and amplify marginalized voices.
In addition to fulfilling the responsibilities listed for news reporter (including attending staff meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays), the DEI Editor/Sr. Reporter is member of the Editorial Board and attends weekly Ed Board meetings on Wednesday nights.
Additional Responsibilities:
- Ensure meaningful, sensitive and culturally competent coverage of issues affecting historically marginalized community members including BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities at UP by pitching story/multimedia ideas, reporting and coaching other reporters/editors assigned to write DEI articles, as needed.
- Meet early in the semester with the student leaders of cultural clubs, the Gender Sexuality Partnership, Disabled Students Union and any student groups related to DEI and stay in contact as needed. The goal is to create rapport between The Beacon and community members, let them know of The Beacon’s interest in covering stories important to them and invite them to give The Beacon feedback and submit story ideas, including stories about events and initiatives they sponsor.
- Monitor coverage for inclusiveness in written and visual content
- Brainstorm and execute ideas to recruit and retain students from a variety of backgrounds to work on Beacon staff
- Maintain a robust DEI section on The Beacon website, ensuring that section editors include the DEI tag on stories appropriate for that section.
- Leads a session on covering DEI issues and having a DEI mindset at Beacon Boot Camp
- Ensures all Beacon content follows appropriate style guidelines for marginalized members of the community and educates staff, especially editors on an ongoing basis using resources such as:
- AP Stylebook, especially
- NABJ Style Guide - National Association of Black Journalists
- CULTURAL COMPETENCE HANDBOOK (National Assoc. Of Hispanic Journalists)
- Guidance | Asian American Journalists Association
- Covering American Muslims - A Guide for Journalists | ISPU
- Religion Stylebook
- Resources for reporting in Indian Country – Native American Journalists Association
- GLAAD Media Reference Guide - 11th Edition (LGBTQ+)
- Style Guide – Trans Journalists Association
- Disability Language Style Guide
Community Engagement Editor
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:40 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Must attend Beacon Boot Camp training in August approximately one week before fall term starts and should not schedule conflicting activities/positions.
- Throughout the week, posts compelling content and links to Beacon media on Beacon’s social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
- Follows best journalistic practices for accuracy, fairness and ethics in all posts
- Prioritizes diversity and inclusion in all content
- Post links to new Beacon content every day at strategic times
- Interacts with social media followers (ie: @replies ) as appropriate
- Creates promotional social media and newsletter posts featuring Beacon staff and events
- Produces and sends weekly newsletter featuring links to Beacon news, living, sports, and opinion content. Posts newsletter on Engage each Thursday morning.
- Builds and maintains email address list for the newsletter, and executes strategies to increase subscriptions and maximize newsletter exposure
- Creates and organizes Beacon-sponsored events and promotions to increase engagement
- Supervises The Beacon promotional table at the Activities Fair each semester
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- In collaboration with section editors, posts quizzes, opinion polls, and other digital interactives to increase Beacon user engagement
- Responsible for improving the “About Us” webpage, posting bios and headshots of the editorial board
- In collaboration with Creative Director, plans and executes contests and events to increase Beacon engagement as well as staff recruiting
- Attends staff meetings Mondays and Thursdays at 5:40 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Must attend Beacon Boot Camp training in August approximately one week before fall term starts and should not schedule conflicting activities/positions.
- Throughout the week, posts compelling content and links to Beacon media on Beacon’s social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
- Follows best journalistic practices for accuracy, fairness and ethics in all posts
- Prioritizes diversity and inclusion in all content
- Post links to new Beacon content every day at strategic times
- Interacts with social media followers (ie: @replies ) as appropriate
- Creates promotional social media and newsletter posts featuring Beacon staff and events
- Produces and sends weekly newsletter featuring links to Beacon news, living, sports, and opinion content. Posts newsletter on Engage each Thursday morning.
- Builds and maintains email address list for the newsletter, and executes strategies to increase subscriptions and maximize newsletter exposure
- Creates and organizes Beacon-sponsored events and promotions to increase engagement
- Supervises The Beacon promotional table at the Activities Fair each semester
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- In collaboration with section editors, posts quizzes, opinion polls, and other digital interactives to increase Beacon user engagement
- Responsible for improving the “About Us” webpage, posting bios and headshots of the editorial board
- In collaboration with Creative Director, plans and executes contests and events to increase Beacon engagement as well as staff recruiting
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Has a distinct, crisp, conversational writing “voice”
- Is dedicated to accuracy across all platforms
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- Reads journalistic media for fun and curiosity, keeps up with current events
- Is excited about multimedia as well as writing
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is flexible in temperament, especially in breaking news situations
- Is open to instruction and willing to read articles, participate in webinars, etc. as assigned by the Beacon adviser and editors
- Keeps up-to-date on engagement and social media trends technology
Opinion Editor/ Sr. Reporter
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:40 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor approves the absence in advance. Staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those time periods.
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights.
- Fulfills all reporter duties as listed in News (or sports) Reporter job description
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Presents a wide range of relevant editorial topics to the Editorial Board for their consideration.
- Researches and writes fact-based Beacon editorial about once a month after consulting with Editorial Board. The approval of a simple majority is required before publication
- Performs reporting tasks necessary for preparing the editorial including interviewing sources when necessary
- Reaches out regularly to UP students, faculty, and staff for thoughtful submissions on relevant topics, seeking varied, diverse, and inclusive points of view
- Reads and fact-checks submissions, and works with contributors to ensure submissions adhere to AP and Beacon style and provide meaningful content
- Posts all Opinion content and ensures the Beacon Opinion section is a respectful exchange of ideas, not allowing for personal attacks
- Oversees Beacon staff sign-up for weekly commentary writing. Makes a sign-up sheet at the beginning of each semester
- Arranges photographs of columnists
- Communicates with contributors if there are questions or concerns about their submission
- Strategizes creative ways to be a platform for opinions throughout the UP community, using digital tools to publish opinion polls, video, and other forms of media
- Verifies identities of writers of all commentary and letters to the editor
- Stays up-to-date on local, national, and international events as well as campus issues
- Reads the work of professional columnists regularly and other readings as recommended by the adviser
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Loves to read a variety of news and opinion articles
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener as well as a natural leader
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Is culturally competent and strives for diversity and inclusion in the Opinion section
- Articulates opinions and a call-to-action in concise and persuasive writing
- Applies careful research and keen logic as well as emotion to editorial writing
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- Is diplomatic with community members who object to the editorial and all contributors
- Is willing to learn/try about multimedia as well as writing
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is open to instruction
Copy Editor/Sr. Reporter
($2200/ yr)
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:40 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times.
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends its weekly meetings on Wed. nights.
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Fulfills all reporter duties as listed in News (or Sports) Reporter job description
- Acts as a leader/coach in team-reporting assignments
- Initiates enterprise and in-depth reporting, including multimedia
- Copyedits all Beacon articles on deadline for AP style, grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc.
- Studies and learns AP style over the summer
- Becomes proficient in AP style, edits accordingly, and mentors editors in AP style as needed,
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Is dependable on deadlines and responsive to all editing requests
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener
- Is considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Reads journalistic media for fun and curiosity
- Is excited about multimedia as well as writing
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is flexible in temperament, especially in breaking news situations
- Is open to instruction
Sports Editor
- Is responsible for all sports coverage including social media
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Assigns reporters sports stories and events on multiple platforms, enforcing deadlines
- Ensures sports coverage is accurate, fair, ethical and compelling, and allows for a wide range of representation of student-athletes and student sporting activities outside the athletics department
- Edits and posts sports content throughout the week
- Monitors sports content for accuracy and promptly posts all corrections and clarifications in the sports section when warranted
- Reports and writes sports stories and columns regularly
- Introduces sports reporters to key personnel in the athletics department, especially sports information officials
- Assigns all sports reporters beats and monitors their progress
- Coaches reporters on interviewing, reporting, and writing with assistance from the adviser
- Ensures sports reporters follow best practices as journalists instead of playing the role of a fan in the context of their job at The Beacon
- Is available to reporters via phone, text, Slack, and email and scheduled one-on-one meetings
- Monitors sports content for accuracy and promptly posts all corrections and clarifications for the news section when warranted.
- Oversees all recorded (podcasts, video) and live sports content
- Posts at least one multimedia piece (ie: video, slideshow) in the Sports section per week
- Generates original content ideas and coverage strategies for the Sports section
- Directs Community Engagement Editor on sports content in Beacon social media
- Coordinates with Multimedia Editor in assigning Sports section videos and photos
- Encourages and executes innovation in multimedia storytelling
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- May be required to report and write occasional news stories
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Has a good understanding of most sports and takes the initiative to learn whatever is necessary
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener as well as a natural leader
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Can manage peers in a professional setting, holding them accountable
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- Reads journalistic media for fun and curiosity
- Keeps up with current events as well as the sports world
- Is excited about multimedia as well as writing
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is open to instruction
Living section editor
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Assigns reporters to feature stories including multimedia, enforcing deadlines
- Ensures coverage is accurate, fair, ethical and allows for a wide range of representation of the campus community
- Edits and posts Living section content throughout the week
- Reports and writes stories for the Living section regularly (at least twice a month)
- Uses digital tools for interactive storytelling (ie: quizzes, lists, games, maps, infographics, etc.)
- Posts at least one multimedia piece (ie: video, slideshow, graphic) in the Living section per week
- Coaches reporters on interviewing, reporting, and writing with assistance from the adviser
- Is available to reporters via phone, Slack, text, and email and scheduled one-on-one meetings
- Tags faith-related Living stories in the Faith & Fellowship section as well as in Living
- Encourages and executes innovation in multi-platform storytelling
- Monitors Living section content for accuracy and promptly posts all corrections and clarifications in the Living section when warranted
- Oversees all recorded (podcasts, video) and live content for the Living section
- Generates content ideas and coverage strategies for the Living section
- Directs Community Engagement Editor on Living content in Beacon social media
- Coordinates with Multimedia Editor in assigning Living section videos, photos, infographics,
- Encourages and executes innovation in multi-platform storytelling
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Manages time well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- May be required to report and write occasional news stories
- Serves on editorial board and attends its weekly meetings
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener as well as a natural leader
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Can manage peers in a professional setting, holding them accountable
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- Reads journalistic media for fun and curiosity
- Keeps up with current events, pop culture, and UP student culture
- Is excited about multimedia as well as writing
- Has a good sense of humor, knows how to generate “fun” content
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is open to instruction
- Has at least one year of reporting experience (not required, though)
Multimedia editor
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times.
- Serves on the Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Oversees multimedia content in consultation with editors
- Ensures all photos and videos have strong and compelling visual elements, high-quality audio
- Supervises and assigns photographers and videographers, enforcing deadlines and ensuring all important information is provided (ie: photo and video captions, photo credits)
- Monitors visual and audio elements to ensure there’s no copyright infringement
- Coaches photographers and videographers to ensure high journalistic and aesthetic standards
- Facilitates closed captioning on all posted videos.
- Encourages and executes innovation in multimedia storytelling
- Advises Community Engagement Editor on Instagram to ensure posts are frequent, creative, and effective
- Updates “multimedia elements on the website as directed by Editor-in-Chief
- In collaboration with section editors, keeps visual assignments updated on assignment “budget” (Google Doc)
- Coaches, critiques, and encourages photographers and video journalists
- Strategizes feature coverage in collaboration with Living Editor
- Supervises check out/check-in of the photo, video, and audio equipment
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Takes photos and videos as assigned
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate:
- Understands photojournalism (telling a story with photos and/or video)
- Is proficient at a range of digital tools (Photoshop and other editing software for photos and video)
- Is insatiably curious, creative, and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener as well as a natural leader
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical, and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Can manage peers in a quasi-professional setting, holding them accountable
- Manages time well and make deadlines; thrives on a busy schedule
- Manages stress well, including short deadlines
- Consumes journalistic and other digital media regularly for ideas and inspiration
- Keeps up with current events, pop culture, and UP student culture
- Has a good sense of humor, knows how to generate “fun” content
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above and beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is open to instruction
News & Managing Editor - filled
Stipend: $5500/yr.
- Attends staff meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 unless there is a conflict with a class and the editor-in-chief approves the absence in advance. Beacon staffers are strongly discouraged from registering for classes that meet during those times
- Serves on Editorial Board and attends Ed Board meetings on Wed. nights
- Meets with adviser and editor-in-chief every Monday
- Plays leadership role as directed by adviser and editor-in-chief during Beacon Boot Camp training in August
- Assigns reporters news stories on multiple platforms, enforcing deadlines
- Is promptly responsive to email, Slack and text messages
- Ensures news coverage is accurate, fair, ethical, diverse and inclusive and allows for a wide range of representation of the campus community
- Approves and posts news content throughout the week
- Monitors news content for accuracy and promptly posts all corrections and clarifications for the News section when warranted.
- Assigns reporters beats and monitors their progress
- Is in charge of spread sheet (“story budget”) that lists all assignments. Updates regularly
- Coaches reporters on interviewing, reporting and writing with assistance from adviser
- Is available to reporters via phone, text, Slack and email and scheduled one-on-one meetings
- Edits news content and writes headlines
- Has authority over all recorded (podcasts, video) and live news content
- Posts at least one multimedia piece (ie: video, slideshow) in the News section per week
- Mentors other editors as needed
- Generates content ideas and coverage strategies for the news section
- Reports and writes stories for the News section
- Keeps up with current events, UP-related topics, student culture, and higher education in general
- Supervises Community Engagement Editor on news content in Beacon social media
- Coordinates with Multimedia Editor in assigning news videos, photos, infographics,
- Encourages and executes innovation in multi-platform storytelling
- Oversees breaking news coverage
- Contributes two story ideas each week
- Acts as Editor-in-Chief when Editor-in-Chief is unavailable
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
The ideal candidate
- Has excellent writing and critical thinking skills
- Is insatiably curious, creative and proactive about learning
- Is a good listener as well as a natural leader
- Is dependable, considerate, ethical and emotionally mature
- Does not shy away from a challenge
- Can manage peers in a professional setting, holding them accountable
- Manages time and stress well; thrives on a busy schedule
- Must be able to handle stress well, including short deadlines
- Reads journalistic media for fun and curiosity
- Is excited about multimedia as well as writing
- Is a go-getter, strives for excellence, naturally goes above-and-beyond what’s expected
- Collaborates and communicates well in a team setting
- Is open to instruction
- Has at least one year of reporting experience
This high-ranking student position requires experience and skill in journalism and leadership. All applicants must have been a fulltime UP student for one year prior to taking the EIC position. Ideal candidates have experience working for The Beacon and at least a 3.0 GPA.
Annual Stipend: $6000 (not an hourly position)
Please read all information and the full job description before applying. Scroll down for the application.
*Question: In a nutshell, what kind of person does this job require?
Answer: The ideal Beacon EIC should:
- be emotionally mature, articulate, insatiably curious, intelligent, creative, organized, ethical, empathic, dependable and driven towards excellence
- be an outstanding listener, thinker, writer and leader
- read, watch and listen to a variety of professional news sources to keep up-to-date on local, national and international news
- be nimble. Knows that life is not always mapped out like an academic syllabus . When stuff happens, the EIC can roll with it in a professionally responsive rather than reactive way.
- have an even, mature temperament, be capable of representing The Beacon not just to Beacon staff but
to the entire University community and beyond - inspire intrinsic motivation in peers
- prioritize diversity, inclusion and equity in coverage, storytelling and hiring, making sure other Beacon staff are inclusive and culturally competent in their practices
- be open to learning
- know how to make a good story great
- understand and prioritize the importance of visuals, including photography, video, and infographics
- has a vision/ideas for making the Beacon’s website, newsletter and social
media platforms among the top respected college media platforms in the U.S., one that engages the entire UP community - care deeply about the University community, especially its students
Mandatory scheduled time commitments:
- Beacon staff one-week training camp before fall classes start (mid/late August)
- Monday and Thursday 5:45 p.m. - 7 p.m. staff meetings
- Wednesday nights: one-hour Editorial Board meeting (start time negotiable)
- Mondays- one-hour weekly meeting with adviser (mid-morning or afternoon)
JOB DESCRIPTION (source: UP Student Media Guide)
The Beacon Editor-in-Chief shall:
A. Supervise and contribute to ongoing content on and other digital platforms.
B. Be responsible for all material that appears in the publication, except for advertising content. While
advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their advertisements, the editor should monitor and approve advertising content so that it is consistent with University values. Adhere to all University policies and the basic tenets of responsible journalism as outlined within this Student Media Guide and its appendices.
C. Exercise sound judgment grounded in fairness and accuracy and the canons of responsible
journalism, including ensuring significant errors of fact are corrected and published promptly. In cases of subjective analysis and editorial opinion, full opportunity must be given for dissenting replies or opinions with equal space and display, as determined by the editor.
D. Consult with the Editorial Board to determine general editorial policy (as distinct from opinion articles that represent the points of view of specific writers). The approval of a simple majority of the Editorial Board is required before the publication of specific editorials. Ensure that all editorial direction is guided by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics.
E. Maintain an open mind and be accessible toward all elements of the University community, while
realizing that students constitute its largest element. In so doing, the editor shall personally, or through delegated staff members, maintain reasonable access for individuals and campus groups wishing to meet with the editor.
F. With regard to personnel issues, the Editor-in-Chief will:
1. In consultation with the Student Media Advisor, appoint members of the staff actively recruit, train
and supervise staff.
2. Exercise leadership that establishes and maintains an effective and productive managerial and
editorial relationship with members of the staff. By personal example, encourage similar relationships between editors and the staff members they supervise.
3. Provide leadership aimed at assuring optimum learning, including enhancing the journalistic skills of staff members.
4. Foster amicable and productive relationships with various departments, student groups and other
stakeholders in the University community.
5. Represent The Beacon as a non-voting member of the PACSM (Presidential Advisory Committee on Student Media). Upon request of the PACSM, prepare a one-page summary of accomplishments, challenges and feedback related to The Beacon to date.
6. Maintain an effective working relationship with the Student Media Advisor in his or her role as a
resource and as a representative of the University. To accomplish this, the Editor in Chief will initiate weekly *conferences with the Student Media Advisor.
7. Conduct ongoing evaluations of the performance and product of staff members with weekly oral
and written updates to the Student Media Advisor, and through periodic conferences with individual staff members.
8. Follow the “Personnel Guidelines for Student Media” found in the Student Media Guide in all matters dealing
with the publication staff.
G. Assessment:
1. Lead planning and critique meetings with the entire editorial staff twice per week while school is in session and separate meetings with the editorial board once a week.
2. When such help can improve the quality of the reporting and writing of The Beacon, direct individual staff members to seek out the Student Media Advisor for individual coaching.
3. Write (before concluding his or her term) an evaluation of the year that includes a brief critique, lessons learned, problem areas, suggestions for changes, etc. The editor also will be expected to train his or her successor once that person has been selected.
4. Ensure job descriptions for each position within the organization are updated in a timely manner within the appropriate student media section(s) on
5. Attend and actively participate in all budget planning meetings, Ed Board meetings and critique meetings. Prior to attending the critique meetings, must read that week’s publication. Absences must be cleared in advance through the editor and Student Media Advisor.
6. Assume the duties of the Editor in Chief when requested to do so.
7. Report and write stories as needed.
Selection process for Editor-in-Chief:
UP's Presidential Advisory Committee on Student Media, a group of faculty, staff and students appointed by the University president, interviews the candidates and makes recommendations to the President, who then appoints the Editor-in-Chief for the following academic year.
The Editor-in-Chief interviews, evaluates and selects all other Beacon staff members in consultation with the Beacon adviser. Most hiring occurs during the spring semester, although there is some throughout the year.
If you have questions about applying, please contact Ass't Director for Student Media Nancy Copic via email.