The all-digital Beacon offers two ad sizes: leaderboard and sidebar. To maximize exposure of your ad and your business/event:
- All ads appear on all pages of The Beacon except the magazine section.
- Readers will see your ad on the web and on mobile and tablets.
- All ads include the option of a clickable link to your website or the url of your choice (ie: your Facebook page, etc.)
We are happy to design your ad if you give us at least one week's notice and if space is available.
You may select colors and provided images, such as your logo.
Leaderboard ad across top of page - $120/week (7 days)
Sample leaderboard ad:
Mobile version:
If you wish to design your leaderboard ad, please provide two versions:
- 728 x 90 pixels for web
- 320 x 50 pixels for mobile
Sidebar ad - $75/week (7 days)

If you are designing your sidebar ad, please make it
- 600(w) x 500(l) pixels.
There are 3 sidebar placements on the page: Top, middle, bottom.
If we are sold out, preferred placement location is on a first-come-first-served basis unless client pays a premium fee ($25).
How to place your order
Below is our order form. Please note that we do not accept ad reservations more than one month in advance.
On-campus clients: Payment for ads is via inter-departmental budget transfer. Please provide your department budget number.
Off-campus: We accept checks, but not credit cards at this time.
If you have questions, feel free to contact our Ad Manager at
We look forward to working with you!