STAFF OPINION: Why another Trump administration worries me as a Christian

I hope I am proven wrong.

By Natalie Gordon | February 10, 2025 4:00pm
by Ryan Reynolds / The Beacon

I grew up going to church almost every Sunday. I have family members on worship teams and some who work as pastors. I was baptized at 15, actively choosing to publicly declare my love for Jesus and become an active member of the Christian Church. I am, by all descriptions, an American Christian. 

I also happen to believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in freedom of religion. I believe in a God who allows us to choose what we believe in; therefore, I believe our country should allow us the same right. 

While I believe in the separation of church and state, I also believe the message of the Bible can be used in how we treat each other. The message of mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love is something I think everyone should keep in mind, not only in politics but in everyday life. 

For these reasons, and many more, I believe Donald Trump is the antithesis of Christianity. 

He has warped the Bible’s message for his personal, political and financial gain, even going as far as to sell Bibles with his name attached to them. In my opinion, this new administration, and what it has gotten some of the American people to believe, is idolatry at its finest. 

Some of Donald Trump’s loyal followers see him as a savior for America, some even going as far as to say he is sent from God himself. This is an explicit example of idolatry and I cannot stand for it. 

As a part of the Christian Church, I have seen many of my brothers and sisters in Christ speak in support of President Trump’s message of hate and fear more than they do the gospel’s message of love and forgiveness. 

President Trump has promised mass deportations. He has promised the end of birthright citizenship. He has promised to cut funding to schools and students. He has promised to imprison and deport protestors he disagrees with and pardon those he does agree with. He fearmongers, discriminates and uses hate to justify his actions. 

All of which, I believe, are anti-Jesus and anti-Christian. 

I believe Galatians 5:22-23 covers my thoughts fully: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law.” Donald Trump, from what I have witnessed, holds none of these things as values. 

I write now to my Christian brothers and sisters who support President Trump’s message. I urge you to pray diligently about what Donald Trump represents and if he aligns with Jesus’ teachings. I believe he does not, and the fact that he claims to worries me for the future of our country and of our faith. Jesus represents love, forgiveness and mercy, and I pray that President Trump remembers these attributes when he governs our country. I also pray that we as Christians remember these values and hold each other accountable during the next four years. 

Natalie Gordon is the Multimedia Editor for The Beacon. She can be reached at