OPINION: Statement from the Speaker of the ASUP Senate: Reaffirming Constitutional Non-Discrimination and Continued Advocacy

By Rosana Gutierrez | February 28, 2025 2:30pm
Photo courtesy of Rosana Gutierrez

Dear University of Portland community,

My name is Rosana Gutierrez, and I serve as the Speaker of the 75th Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP) Senate.

I recognize the current climate of political uncertainty, fear and the resulting sense of exhaustion that is felt by our student body. The challenges we face may seem daunting, but they will not diminish our resolve. I, as the leader of the Senate, would like to state that I and the representatives of ASUP hear you and are ready to serve you. All students at the University of Portland need to know that the Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP) are still doing our job, advocating for students at the University of Portland. ASUP's commitment remains: your voice, amplified. Reach out to your ASUP Senators, attend office hours, and attend ASUP meetings. Visit our website for office hour times and locations. ASUP Senate meetings are every Monday that we have school from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in DB 031 and are open to all students, staff and faculty.

I believe it is essential to reaffirm ASUP's unwavering and absolute dedication to inclusivity and equity. The Constitution of the ASUP, ratified by the Student Body in 2016, enshrines our commitment to these values. This non-discrimination policy applies to all aspects of ASUP and guides our dedication to the student body. ASUP does not and never will discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, heritage, ability or disability, age, sex, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status or documentation status.

These are scary times, but I hope you find solace in student government. Please do not feel defeated. Get involved in any way you are able. Engage with democracy at the smallest level, your university student government. Elections for ASUP Senate are approaching and applications for ASUP Senate positions will open this Friday, Feb. 28. Please contact Vice President Stephanie Vasquez (vasquezs25@up.edu) for questions. If you wish to get involved in a different way, ASUP also has our Diversity and Social Responsibility committee. Reach out to (ruyle26@up.edu) to join or for more information. I invite all interested students to consider these opportunities to contribute to our shared governance.

I urge you not to feel discouraged. We, as the next generation of leaders, must commence the work of building our future now.


“Section I: Non-Discrimination Statement

“A. Recognizing the human dignity of all persons and their right to respect, justice, and a welcoming environment, the Associated Students of the University of Portland and all of its forms and functions do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, heritage, ability or disability, age, sex, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, or documentation status (Associated Students of the University of Portland Constitution, Approved by The Student Body in 2016, Page 17).”

Rosana Gutierrez is a junior at the University of Portland and the Speaker of the 75th ASUP Senate. She can be reached at gutierrr26@up.edu.

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