Update 2/13 (12:45 p.m.): The Pilot House will be closing at 2:00 p.m., according to the Pilot House's Instagram page. Mack's Market and the Bauccio Commons will remain open for normal hours.
Due to hazardous road conditions expected midday, the University of Portland has closed campus and suspended on-campus classes for Feb. 13. The announcement came via email at 6:30 a.m. from Vice President for Finance and Operations Eric Barger.
“The safety and well-being of our community is among our highest priorities,” Barger said. “Be safe and stay warm.”
Students should check Moodle and their UP email for professor updates regarding potential online learning options, including synchronous meetings or asynchronous activities.
Students involved in clinicals, student teaching or internships should contact their site supervisors for further instructions.
Despite the closure, the Clark Library, Bauccio Commons, Pilot House, Beauchamp Center and Chapel of Christ the Teacher will operate as usual unless Residence Life announces changes. However, the mail center and campus bookstore will remain closed.
The University will provide updates as the situation progresses.
Julianna Pedone is the News and Managing Editor for The Beacon. She can be reached at pedone25@up.edu.