Class of 2028 brings new faces to The Bluff

By Julianna Pedone | August 22, 2024 4:04pm
Family members and friends help students move in to their dorms. Move in weekend began Thursday at 11 AM.
Media Credit: Amanda Stern / The Beacon

Despite overcast skies and an unexpected power outage in the North Quad, Portland Pride shone brighter than ever on the Class of 2028's move-in day. 

Today, The Bluff welcomed 756 new first-year residents, a slight increase from the 753 enrolled in Fall 2023, according to Mai Nhia Xiong-Chan in an email to The Beacon.

First-year students in the North Quad experienced their first taste of college unpredictability when a power outage briefly darkened the Walter E. Nelson Facilities Building, Fields Hall, Schoenfeldt Hall, Haggerty Hall and Tyson Hall.

According to Facilities Services, the outage was likely caused by Portland General Electric (PGE) striking a feeder line, which led to a temporary loss of power. Power was restored within ten minutes.

Residents of Fields and Schoenfeldt stand in darkness while they wait for the power to be turned back on. The power briefly went out during move-in weekend.
by Natalie Gordon / The Beacon

Olivia VanDaele, a third-floor Resident Assistant in Fields Hall, highlighted how her community came together to ensure safety for the incoming students and a smooth transition.

“The power outage was a little nerve wracking,” VanDaele said. “But I’m glad we got it back on and our team worked really well together to make sure everything’s blocked off, make sure everything was safe.” 

As students settled into their new residence halls, many expressed excitement about getting involved in campus organizations and stepping out of their comfort zones.

Gabriella Carrillo, a new resident of Kenna Hall from Southern Oregon, was drawn to UP due to the significance of her Catholic faith. She is eager to join student organizations such as the Latinx Student Union.

“That's a big part of my like culture and background,” Carrillo said. “So I'm super excited to get on.”

For many students, this is their first time leaving home and living independently. While excitement is plentiful, first-year nursing student Naomi Alvina also feels anticipation as she looks forward to university life. She brought a sentimental item from home as a way to stay connected with her family.

“I brought two of them: my CD Walkman and my cassette Walkman. My CD one I got from my dad, so I brought some CDs from home.”

Dr. Robert Kelly watches as confetti falls during his move-in day address. Confetti canons went off amongst students moving in.
by Natalie Gordon / The Beacon

President Robert Kelly, who welcomed Pilots for his third year today, advises them to get out of their comfort zones and experience all that UP has to offer

“Get to know your faculty members,” Kelly said. “Maybe sit in the front of the classroom, but meet someone new. Try something new. This is a chance. It's a new start for so many first year students… Lean into a level of discomfort, but have fun.”

Julianna Pedone is the News and Managing Editor for The Beacon. She can be reached at  

Kaylee Monahan contributed to this story. She can be reached at

Tiffany Marquez Escobar contributed to this story. She can be reached at

Samantha Zavala contributed to this story. She can be reached at

Naara Conlon contributed to this story. She can be reached at

Netty Jurriaans contributed to this story. She can be reached at