The University has hired Jackie Moran from Grand River Solutions to serve the roles previously held by the Title IX coordinator position. Moran was introduced at Tuesday night's Title IX Information Session and Q&A. During this, Moran and Herdener discussed the Title IX department at UP, what resources students have, and what their roles are in the department.
On Dec.1 students and faculty received an email announcing the Title IX coordinator position had been cut due to budget cuts. Dean of Students and President for Student Development Tammy Herdener stepped in as interim director. Now, Moran has taken over the roles from that position.
Moran has been working as a consultant at Grand River Solutions, an outside Title IX resource that advises universities and provides resources for Title IX cases. Now, her role has shifted to become the primary connection between Grand River Solutions and UP.
UP has worked with Grand River Solutions prior to this development but they are now becoming a bigger part of the Title IX process on campus. With more resources and a larger team Grand River Solution is able to help UP take on bigger cases, according to Herdener.
As Title IX coordinator Moran is responsible for being a resource for students to talk and start their case with. She will also be involved in training and education faculty, advisors, and other resources. Moran is located on the East Coast but is readily available for all students via zoom and email.
Herdener will still be very involved with the Title IX process and is a resource for all students. Herdener and Moran will now share these responsibilities, creating a space for students to come to for support.
Both Herdener and Moran encourage students to report incidents when they are comfortable. The Title IX office has resources that can help survivors and provide them with the resources they need.
Reports can be made via visiting the Title IX webpage, emailing, calling (503) 943 8982, or accessing in person in Waldschmidt Hall Suite 217.
Reports remain confidential and in student’s control how they want to handle their situation, whether that be legal action or just emotional support.
“Students are in the driver seat so if you come to the Title IX office you get to choose how to proceed,” said Herdener.

To learn more or get involved with Title IX reach out to or for more information.
Netty Jurriaans is a reporter for The Beacon. She can be reached at