Update: All water systems were shut off to stop the flooding, and domestic water was turned back on at 3 p.m. the same day, according to the assistant director of Physical Plant Jenn Layman. The leak came from an HVAC line, and it was repaired by 4 p.m., Layman said.
A water pipe burst on the fourth floor of Shipstad Hall around 1 p.m. today, leaving residents without hot water until 4 p.m. The water was shut off to prevent any further leaks or bursts in the system, according to an email sent out to Shipstad residents by Hall Director Joshua Bode.
When the pipe burst, residents in the surrounding rooms quickly tried to barricade the doors with towels to not let any water seep into the rooms.
“It was so hot in here and we're all standing around shoving towels under the doors and grabbing buckets,” Sophomore Kalea Pilkenton said.
Residents in the hallway of the burst pipe used towels to stop the water from entering the rooms. Photo courtesy of Kalea Pilkenton.
The residents called Campus Safety, who sent over Physical Plant workers to try and mitigate the problem.
After turning off the hot water, Physical Plant workers along with hall staff equipped four fans to dry the flooded hallway.
Physical Plant and Shipstad hall staff are currently working on getting the problem fixed as soon as possible to return hot water back to the hall.
Kate Cuadrado is the Sports Editor for The Beacon. She can be reached at cuadrado24@up.edu.