6 Tips for Overcoming Mid-College Crisisitis

By Hannah Sievert | October 5, 2016 11:21pm
by Sam Keeler / The Beacon

Mid-college Crisisitis

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It’s that gloomy and rainy time of the year, and many students may be coming down with Mid-college Crisisitis: a feeling that may strike at any stage of your UP college career.

Symptoms of Mid-college Crisisitis include:

1. The state experienced by a UP student where said student questions and reconsiders everything he or she is doing, including, but not limited to: chosen major, career choice, understood life trajectory, relationships, parental expectations, expectations of self, etc.

2. May result in extreme turmoil and stress, and feeling lost and confused.

3. May result in change of career path and major choice.

4. May cause said student to seriously consider dropping out of college to pursue more creative outlets, such as: start a brewery, become a writer, get a record deal, become an actress, start a bakery, become a nanny for high-class families, become a yoga instructor, brew kombucha in your backyard, become a nomad who lives in a van or become the next Walter White.

If you are experiencing these symptoms and are seriously considering alternative options to college, never fear! You are not alone. Many students question their major throughout college and come down with the “mid-college crisis disease.” If you’re stuck under the weather with this illness, check out these remedies:


1. Take a trip to the Career Center! The Career Center accepts walk-in appointments. They even accept cry-in appointments! If you walk in sobbing about the sorry state of your future, someone in there will be armed with a box of tissues and useful information, ready to help. The Career Center can answer questions like, “What can I do with my major?” “What am I doing with my life?” They can point you toward possible internships and job opportunities in Portland and beyond. Trying out an internship in a certain field might help you figure out what you’re interested in.

2. Talk to your advisor! Ever met your advisor? All schools within UP have advisors designated to help you out and they can be helpful angels whose job is to help you figure out your life. Your advisors can help you figure out what you’re interested in and can help you if you’re thinking about changing your major.

3. Talk to your parents! Have you called your mother recently? Remember her? Maybe pick up the phone and seek out advice from adults who care about you.

4. Consider a gap-year. If you’re really struggling with the mid-college crisis blues, maybe consider taking a year off to think about what you really want to do. Move to California, live in a van, surf, eat acai bowls and come back to UP tan, Californiafied and ready to take a fresh stab at this whole college thing. In all seriousness, gap-years are a big step and a decision like this should not be taken lightly. Make sure you take a long time to consider this and talk to the appropriate people to see if taking a gap-year is truly the right remedy for your mid-college crisis. Let your mom try and talk you out of it at least twice before making any decisions!

5. Study Abroad! Try the “Secret Life of Walter Mitty” approach and escape to a far away country to find yourself. There’s nothing like getting lost in a foreign city and drinking warm beer with a burly Irish man to give you some perspective on what you really want in life. Seeing the world can help to broaden your worldview and perspective, and might help you decide what you’re really passionate about. Hey, maybe you’ll decide it’s best to drop out of school and become a bartender in Amsterdam!

6. Try something new! Try out a new club or take a class that’s outside of your major. Ever taken a sociology class? Environmental science class? History class? Maybe you’d be a lot happier learning about historical events than struggling through Organic Chemistry. Make sure to try out different things so you can make the most of your time here at UP!