This is the Opinion section.
Yes, it’s part of The Beacon.
No, neither The Beacon nor the University necessarily endorse all the views expressed in this section.
Yes, sometimes controversial opinions get expressed in this section.
Yes, sometimes people aren’t happy with the things others say in this section.
Yes, sometimes this section critiques behavior, questions authority, challenges the status quo and sparks important conversations… And that’s exactly the point.
The Opinion section is not meant to relay unbiased information to the reader. That’s the role of the News section. The role of the Opinion section is to serve as a space for the community to express differing beliefs in a productive, constructive, sometimes controversial manner.
But being offensive is not the point of this section. It’s true, sometimes the views expressed in this section may offend members of the community. Being inflammatory, sensational or controversial is not the point of this section. But those negative side effects are only possible because we have the ability to express our opinions freely, openly and without fear - and that’s something to applaud and appreciate.
We may not always agree with each other. In fact, we probably shouldn’t agree with each other all the time - if we did, we’d never grow and strengthen as a community.
But we can disagree in appropriate, constructive ways - and the Opinion section of The Beacon is one way to respectfully disagree.
The Opinion section is a place to hear what members of the community think, to hear what people are most passionate about.
The Opinion section is a place to have your voice heard, to express your thoughts and feelings in an open forum - and possibly receive a lot of feedback on your views.
The Opinion section is a place to have civilized dialogue between individuals, groups and across our community as a whole.
The Opinion section is a place to engage with important subjects, to raise questions and awareness about a topic our community needs to address.
The Opinion section is a place to share your thoughts on what is important to you, whether that be the burrito bowls in the Commons or the legalization of marijuana.
The Opinion section is a platform for sharing the experiences of marginalized members of our community and to challenge the expectations placed on the majority.
The Opinion section is a place to speak your mind and have your voice heard - and we want to make your voice heard.