Villa Maria Hall Director departure leaves many with questions

By The Beacon | November 7, 2013 3:10am

By Lydia Laythe |

As of last Friday, Villa Maria Hall Director Danny Zimmerman is no longer employed at the University. Though administration will not confirm if Zimmerman was let go from his position or voluntarily resigned, it is confirmed that he no longer works at UP.

Chris Haug, director of Residence Life, said he could not comment on personnel matters, but Zimmerman’s departure does not mark the end of a community.

“Life should not stop at Villa,” he said. “This is a part of life, and we are a strong community and we move forward. That’s a key quality of the University of Portland: We pull together.”

Junior Joe Mahan said Zimmerman’s departure was unexpected and left many students with unanswered questions.

“I think all of us were shocked,” Mahan said. “For whatever reason, he was gone.  Some guys were shocked and were like ‘Why? Why can they do this?’”

According to Mahan, Villa Maria residents were informed of Zimmerman’s departure on Friday, Nov. 1 at an all-hall meeting. At the meeting, Vice President for Student Affairs Fr. Gerry Olinger informed students that Zimmerman was no longer hall director, the University could not discuss why, students were not to contact Zimmerman and counseling was available through the Health Center.

Mahan said Zimmerman was well-liked by many Villa residents.

“He’s just a great guy,” Mahan said. “He definitely built up, besides the strong foundation that Villa had, an even better community.  He really fueled that fire that we already had.”

Mahan recalled Zimmerman sitting in the Villa lobby at night, engaging in friendly banter with residents.

“He was a pretty shy guy,” Mahan said. “He was really good at reaching out to the whole community, and really just made sure that everybody was taken care of.  He was just always there.”

The Beacon was unable to reach Zimmerman for comment.

According to his LinkedIn account, Zimmerman worked at the University since July of 2012.  Zimmerman earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Notre Dame and his Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and Behavioral Science/Health Education from St. Louis University.

“I think he’ll be greatly missed,” Mahan said. “I think all of Villa is praying for him and hoping that he continues to do well in his life. We’re hoping he doesn’t suffer too much from the loss of his job. We just want him to be successful in his life, because he was so helpful in our lives.”

Moving forward, Villa Maria Assistant Hall Director Kevin McCaffrey and Pastoral Resident Fr. Charlie McCoy will take on more responsibility until Residence Life finds an interim or permanent hall director.

“That community in Villa Maria Hall is very strong and Danny had a great part in making it strong,” Haug said. “It was strong before Danny got there as well, so it will continue to be strong as we more forward.”