Ryan Gillespie & Fatima Ruiz Villatoro (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)
Ryan Gillespie & Fatima Ruiz Villatoro
We are running for President and VP to advocate for students. As outsiders who have focused on being involved through clubs, campus jobs, and our housing communities, we see the disconnection between students, ASUP, and Waldschmidt, and we will bridge this gap.
As the future President and VP of ASUP, we will use our leadership and campus experiences to forge a stronger ASUP that will be a voice for change at the University. We will use this strength to represent the students' vision to the administration so that decisions are made with us, not dictated to us.
We need representatives who will not back down when students are waved-off as if we are still incapable of knowing what is right.
After all, if we students weren't here on the bluff, UP wouldn't have a reason to be here either. It is time to have a say in what happens to our University, to have a say in what happens to us.
Kelly McFarlane & Charlie Taylor
Charlie Taylor and I have been friends since freshman year and have decided to run together for ASUP President and Vice President.
Together we want to make the Senate a more efficient body that can focus on the issues at hand rather than be overly concerned by what they can or cannot do because of rules and procedures. This is a much more efficient and advantageous way to operate that will enable more to get done.
We want to bridge the gaps between Senate and clubs, so that clubs are more willing to cooperate and collaborate with Senate decisions. We want to redefine CRAC or create a new committee whose goal is to educate clubs on the Senate process and provide a voice for what clubs want.
Together we feel capable of strengthening the Senate and the University of Portland.
Gilbert Resendez & Walker Ross
As candidates for ASUP President and Vice President, our platform consists of two major initiatives: 1) We would like to increase student involvement in all aspects of this campus and its culture. In particular, we are going to be starting a new club on campus whose purpose is to be the spirit of Pilot students at non-soccer sporting events. We also hope to bring back "Blow Out on the Bluff:" an event designed to bring students together one last time before the school year is over. 2) We hope to make student government truly the voice for student concerns, as President and Vice President we hope to be an active voice to administration for students and actively report back to the students of UP to make them feel like they are a part of all decisions being made. We have the experience both in and out of Senate, as well as drive necessary to hold our respective offices. All we need is your vote.
John Julius Muwulya & Andrew Bosomworth
We are running for ASUP President and Vice President respectively because both of us strongly believe that there is a gap that exists between the administration of the school and the student community at large. In addition to this, we believe that ASUP has a duty to keep all students informed of what is happening in regards to our campus.
The current Executive Board has done an amazing job in starting to keep the student body informed, but both of us believe that ASUP needs a new face and a new direction. We would love to be that new face and help build and move ASUP in the new direction it needs to go.
We are also running because we want to bring transparency and accountability to ASUP so that all students on this campus know what happens in ASUP and how the $ 200,000+ ASUP budget (our budget because you as students pay into it) is used.
Thank you for your support, and Go Pilots.
Quinten Chadwick & Elvia Gaona
We are running for ASUP executive board because we would be the best voice and representation of the students at the University of Portland. We are running on the platform of "One Campus. One Community." because we feel that there are changes and additions we can support and endorse to further strengthen the community aspect here on the bluff.
Not only on the level of students and administration, but as well as with clubs, and other organization. It is time that we take our experience, commitment, and passion for the students to the next level and serve the community we love and call home.
After spending two years on Senate, we know the challenges and tasks that the positions entail. We feel well prepared with our experience and knowledge to take them on. We have seen first hand the power of the student voice and there is nothing more that we would love to do than to be the spokespersons and representatives of that voice.
Corey Trujillo & Joshua Cleary
The role of ASUP Senate is to serve the students of the University of Portland. ASUP does not currently make itself relevant to the student body nor does it serve its students as the resource it should be.
Currently ASUP has a functional relationship with the administration. This is not the case with it's relationship with the student body due to the current culture of Senate.
The disparities between the minor cuts sustained by the ASUP budget versus drastic cuts endured by club budgets must be immediately remedied. In light of these disparities, the Trujillo-Cleary administration will enact a cut of 50% to the current stipends we would receive as the president and vice president.
We are willing to devote the next year of our lives to the improvement of student government on this campus, but it is no small task. We will be unable to accomplish our goals without the support of students, senators, administration, faculty and staff. We ask for your help in taking back The Bluff.

Kelly McFarlane & Charlie Taylor (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)

Gilbert Resendez & Walker Ross (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)

John Julius Muwulya & Andrew Bosomworth (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)

Quinten Chadwick & Elvia Gaona (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)

Corey Trujillo & Joshua Cleary (Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON)