Army senior proposes to his girlfriend of six years at Military Appreciation Night
Senior Max Lilly and senior Katherine Thompson at the beach. Lilly and Thompson dated for six years. (Courtesy of Max Lilly| THE BEACON)
By Amanda Schenberger, Staff Writer
Senior Max Lilly planned a long speech to be read on Merlo Field at the women's soccer game Friday night in front of thousands of spectators. The most important fan was Lilly's girlfriend of six years, senior Katherine Thompson, whose hand he asked in marriage. She said yes!
Lilly planned to be the master of ceremonies of Military Appreciation Night at the soccer game and tricked Thompson into being the photographer for the event. This way, they would both be on the field when he proposed.
"I had no idea," Thompson said. "I was completely shocked."
Looking back on that moment, Thompson said she didn't notice all the people watching them.
"I was focusing on Max, and forgot about everyone else," Thompson said.
This week, Lilly recounted his time stationed at advance camp in Fort Lewis, Tacoma. It'd been a week and a half, and he told Thompson not to write him. But while he was on a bed in his barracks, the mail arrived.
"I was just sitting there, not expecting any mail, but they called my name. I had a letter from Katherine, and it just clicked," Lilly said. "I told her not to write me and she did, so I just knew we were ready [for marriage]."
The two discussed marriage frequently after Lilly's epiphany after being scheduled to leave for Officer Basic next July.
"I knew it would be soon," Thompson said. "I told him to make it special."
The couple has tentative plans to get married in May before Lilly leaves for officer training. For now, Thompson is pleased with Lilly's choice to propose to her on the soccer field.
"It was really cool to share that moment with all my closest friends," she said. "I was really glad he did it that way."
Senior Max Lilly propses to his girlfriend of six years, senior Katherine Thompson. (Jackie Jeffers)