'Evolution of Dance' comedian Judson Laipply pays UP a visit

By The Beacon | October 26, 2011 9:00pm

Laipply goes from ‘Evolution of Dance’ to inspirational speaker

(-- The Beacon)

By Will Lyons Staff Writer lyons14@up.edu

Comedian and inspirational speaker Judson Laipply will perform in Buckley Center Auditorium tonight at 9 p.m.

In 2001, Laipply first presented "The Evolution of Dance" as part of his comedy routine. Once a recorded video reached YouTube it became an instant success and is known as the first viral video in Internet history.

"The Evolution of Dance" still holds the record for the most-viewed video on YouTube. After becoming an Internet star, Laipply appeared on "The Today Show," "Good Morning America" and "Oprah." Laipply also performed during the 2006 NBA Finals in Dallas. The Beacon intervied Laipply via email to get some insight on his fast-track fame.

Q: What got you interested in being an inspirational speaker and a comedian?

A: I always wanted to be a speaker since high school. From a performance standpoint, I enjoy the use of comedy to help keep things lively and interesting and it's a great tool for retention. I'm all for mindless entertainment, but I also think that there are lessons to be learned in everything so when I have people's attention for an hour, I want them to gain something. 

Q: Did you work on speech, performance or comedy skills in college?

A: Yes, I was always presenting at conferences and if a class project needed a presentation, I was it. I tried to take advantage of every opportunity to be in front of people that I could. 

Q: Did you start your career as a comedian or inspirational speaker?

A: I've always been a speaker. The use of comedy came in as a marketing/performance angle. People won't really come out to see a "speaker" without knowing who they are, but they'll come see a "comedian" even if they have no clue who they are. 

Q: Where do you get your inspiration to inspire others?

A: Not really sure of a singular inspiration as much as just having a desire to help make people live better. I think we all can use help throughout life and if I can be of assistance to people then I should.

Q: How did you get the idea to combine comedy and inspirational speaking into one performance?

A: I just realized the comedy helped to get messages across and it was more fun for me as well.  

Q: What is the overall message of your performance?

A: Life is Change. Let go of the things you don't have control of and focus your choices on the things you do. 

Q: How does it feel to have the all-time most viewed video on youtube?

A: The journey of the video has been great. It's something that I could have never imagined at all. It is weird sometimes to think about how many people have watched. I feel very lucky. 

Q: What is your favorite dance to perform from the "Evolution of Dance" and why?"

A: The Brady Bunch dance and Apache Jump On It. Both of them are my favorites because they require a previous knowledge of their existence and you either know it or you don't. 

Q: What is the most prestigious event you've performed for and why?

A: I got to speak to the executive board at NBC entertainment several years ago. The group was set on the floor of the SNL stage so I was up on that stage. That was pretty cool. 

Q: What is your favorite performance you've given and why?

A: I don't really have any one performance that stands out. I've been very fortunate to speak at a lot of places and to a lot of people and they are all, in some way, my favorite.